That’s a wrap! ARIADNA Project draws to a close with Final Event in Barcelona
All good things must come to an end, unfortunately also the ARIADNA project. After two years, the EUSPA project held its Final Event in Barcelona on 18 November at the Tomorrow Mobility Congress, organised [Read More...]
Galileo Demo Kit tested by S4C members
The Galileo Demo Kit (GDK) is one of the main outcomes of the ARIADNA project, and it has been developed by Pildo Labs. It is a complete hardware + software solution that can be [Read More...]
HackARIADNA 2 fosters new innovation and talent
In Autumn 2021, the second edition of HackARIANDA took place. The assignment? Develop innovations using Galileo satellite technology to advance urban mobility and help our cities become greener, safer and healthier. The second online [Read More...]
ARIADNA interview series: how Galileo technology advances navigation technology provider Rokubun
Since its launch in 2019, the ARIADNA project has shown through various ways what the benefits are of EGNSS for urban mobility. But what are some of the actual experiences and stories of those [Read More...]
Join the ARIADNA Final Event in Barcelona!
The ARIADNA Consortium is happy to invite you to its Final Event, taking place on 18 November (10.00 – 11.30 CEST) at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. During the session ‘Leveraging Galileo Satellite [Read More...]
ARIADNA was presented at the International Mobility Congress 2021 (Sitges, Barcelona)
The ARIADNA project coordinator, Josep Laborda, delivered a keynote on the benefits of using Galileo in public transport to an audience of transportation professionals at local level in Catalonia. He discussed the technical characteristics [Read More...]
ARIADNA interviews BlueDot Solutions
ARIADNA interview series continues: how has Galileo helped satellite data solutions provider Blue Dot Solutions? Since its launch in 2019, the ARIADNA project has shown through various ways what the benefits are of EGNSS [Read More...]
Project in the Spotlight: GAMMS
One of the goals of the ARIADNA project is to raise awareness about the technological enhancements of Galileo. Luckily, there are many fellow EUSPA projects supporting this objective: they are developing, analysing or demonstrating [Read More...]
ARIADNA presented to Italian operators at ASSTRA conference
On 13 October 2021, the ARIADNA project was presented at the 4th National Conference “Sistema su Gomma nel Trasporto Passeggeri”, co-organised by the Italian Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, and ASSTRA, the Italian [Read More...]
ARIADNA kicks off video series highlighting Galileo benefits with operator TMB
Since its launch in 2019, the ARIADNA project has shown through various ways what the benefits are of Galileo for urban mobility. But what are some of the actual experiences and stories of those [Read More...]
Project in the Spotlight: ESRIUM
One of the goals of the ARIADNA project is to raise awareness about the technological enhancements of EGNSS. Luckily, there are many fellow EUSPA projects supporting this objective: they are developing, analysing or demonstrating [Read More...]
What are the benefits of Galileo for navigating the urban environment? Join the webinar on 30 September!
The ARIADNA project and Rokubun, a navigation solutions provider, are happy to invite you to the webinar ‘Benefits of Galileo for navigating the urban environment’ on 30 September (12pm – 1pm) virtually. During the [Read More...]
ARIADNA at ICTR Conference: discussing the benefits of Galileo for urban mobility
From 1 to 3 September, the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) was held in Rhodes (Greece) and ARIADNA was present!During the session ‘Sustainable urban mobility, implementation and new synergies’, ARIADNA coordinator Josep Laborda [Read More...]
HackARIADNA 2 now open for submissions!
Factual, Auxilia, Y4PT (Youth For Public Transport) and ARIADNA partners are proud to announce #HackARIADNA 2021, the online Hackathon taking place in Autumn 2021. INTRODUCTION The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic is being felt [Read More...]
ARIADNA presented at Smart City Institute Japan webinar series
On 2 August, ARIADNA project coordinator Josep Laborda was invited to speak at a webinar organised by the Smart City Institute Japan. Their webinar series “Designing Smart Cities in the Era of Coexistence with [Read More...]
Why #AccuracyMatters: from pedestrian lanes to self-driving vehicles: precise positioning is key to safe, efficient, and innovative urban mobility
Article written by Charlotte Van Hek, UITP When walking through an unknown city trying to find your way, knowing your exact position is important. Especially in busy cities, the dot on your smartphone telling [Read More...]
ARIADNA presents Whitepaper to Space4Cities Forum members
On 22 June 2021, the ARIADNA Consortium presented its White Paper 'EGNSS technology in Urban Mobility & Public Transport' to the Space4Cities Forum, a group of cities, technology providers, sectorial clusters. The White Paper analyses in [Read More...]
ARIADNA holds successful webinar for urban mobility Start-Ups & SMEs
The last ARIADNA webinar titled “GALILEO for Mobility Start-ups & SMEs – How to best leverage geolocation for urban mobility solutions” took place on 18 June from 11am to 12.30pm. The webinar, addressed at [Read More...]
Galileo enhancing micromobility performance: the experience from Reby
Galileo enhancing micromobility performance: the experience from Reby Improved accuracy and continuity, better security, among others: the benefits of Galileo for mobility plans and solutions might be known, but what are some of the [Read More...]
GALILEO for Mobility Start-ups & SMEs – How to best leverage geolocation for urban mobility solutions
REGISTER NOW! We are happy to invite you to the ARIADNA Webinar ‘GALILEO for Mobility Start-ups & SMEs – How to best leverage geolocation for urban mobility solutions’, taking place on 18 [Read More...]